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How to Welcome an Employee Relocating

January 17, 2024

Thoughtful relocation support can make a big difference and can positively impact the performance and overall happiness of your new team member. So, how can you make your employee relocating feel right at home in their new city? Here are some ways that you can welcome your new employees so that you can make a great impression on them from the start.

Employee Relocating – Give Them a Welcome Pack

This is a lovely gesture that will make your new employee feel special. You can give it to them on the first day at work, or have it waiting for them at their accommodation. What should you put in it? How about:

  • A warm and friendly letter welcoming them to the city and the company.
  • A guide to the city with suggestions on interesting spots to visit.
  • Local snacks or cookies.
  • A bottle of wine or a case of local beer.
  • A map of the area where they will be living.
  • Coupons for discounts or freebies at local businesses.

Provide Them With Convenient Accommodation

Employee RelocatingPlacing your new employees in a hotel until they can move into a more permanent home isn’t a great solution, especially if they need to stay there for a month or longer. Instead, provide them with a furnished corporate housing apartment where they can enjoy all of the comforts of home, such as a kitchen, washer and dryer, living room, office space and parking.

Plus, make sure that they are located close to where they will be working. They are new to the city and they don’t want to be spending all of their time getting lost while commuting.

Create a Helpful Checklist

When locating a new province or country, there are a lot of things that your new employee will need to think about when getting themselves settled in their new home. This can be overwhelming for them, as there are so many things to do and it’s hard to know what is time-sensitive and what isn’t.

It can be very helpful to create a checklist for your employee relocating, to help them understand what needs to be done and what their priorities are. It will break down the large and overwhelming task into simpler and more manageable pieces. For reference, here’s a helpful checklist for employees moving to Canada from abroad.

Host Opportunities to Socialize

Employee RelocatingWhen your new employee arrives, they will likely not know anyone in the city and might feel a little bit lonely. You can make them feel more at home by hosting events where they will have a chance to make friends.

You can also offer information to them about other opportunities to meet people. If you aren’t sure what to suggest, ask your existing employees what events or get-togethers they attend or what things they did in the city to make friends when they first arrived. Many different activities and groups will welcome newcomers and make them feel like part of the community.

If you are looking for more information about employee relocation be sure to learn more about Employee Relocation and if you are looking for a place around Toronto, be sure to search which short-term rental works best for you.

Announcements, Events

25 Years of Excellence: DelSuites Celebrates a Quarter-Century Milestone!

October 8, 2023

In the ever-changing landscape of Toronto, one constant has been DelSuites – your home away from home for 25 incredible years. Imagine this: a quarter-century ago, the Toronto skyline looked vastly different, the Internet was a fledgling concept, and DelSuites opened its doors to serve the city’s need for top-notch furnished rentals.

Fast forward to today, and we are not just a business; we’re a community rooted in values that have stood the test of time. With our iron-clad “guest satisfaction guarantee,” DelSuites isn’t just another furnished rental option – it’s a lifestyle choice that improves every stay in Toronto.

This article isn’t merely a trip down memory lane, although we’ll certainly revisit some highlights of our incredible journey. It’s an invitation to explore what makes DelSuites a titan in hospitality and a pioneer in sustainability and customer service.

So, get ready to toast to the big 25 and discover why this anniversary is more than just a milestone – a celebration of community, sustainability, and innovation that beckons you to be a part of something greater.

More than a Suite, It’s a Home

What does ‘home’ mean to you? For some, it’s the warm embrace of a familiar place, while for others, it’s the people who fill a space with love and care. At DelSuites, we’ve been honoured to serve as a home for a diverse tapestry of guests over the last 25 years.

A Sustainable Choice You Can Feel Good About – At Every Level

When it comes to making travel decisions, many of us are becoming increasingly conscious of our impact on the planet. DelSuites aligns with this eco-awareness, integrating sustainability into every facet of our operations – from our suites to our larger community.

We believe in going green, not just for the sake of it but because it’s integral to delivering the best experience for our guests. Our focus on sustainability is all-encompassing. It’s in the materials we choose for our furnished apartments, the partners we collaborate with, and even the way we run our head office. 

We understand that making a sustainable choice is also about building a future, and what better way to celebrate our 25th anniversary than to pledge our commitment to a greener tomorrow?


Meet the Team Behind Your Comfort

The heart and soul of any successful organization is its team, and DelSuites is no exception. For a quarter century, we’ve made it our mission to provide top-notch service and create a home away from home for our guests. But what makes our service truly special is the passionate, dedicated team working tirelessly behind the scenes. In addition, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to our dedicated stakeholders (investors, suppliers, partners) whose unwavering support has been instrumental in our journey towards success.

A Growing Family Committed to Excellence

As DelSuites reaches its silver anniversary, our team continues to grow, allowing us to serve you better. This expansion isn’t merely about numbers; it’s about enriching our service offerings by bringing together people with diverse skill sets, backgrounds, and expertise. More hands on deck means more efficiency and an infusion of new ideas and innovative solutions to elevate your stay with us.

What’s it like to be a part of this amazing journey? In the words of one of our newest team members:

 “Being part of the Guest Services team has been an eye-opening experience. It’s not just about tackling the day-to-day tasks but bringing fresh perspectives to enhance guest experiences. The culture here encourages innovation, fosters excellence, and focuses on compassionate care for our guests.”

DelSuites Provides Guests with the Tridel Advantage

While DelSuites stands as a prominent short-term housing provider in Canada, we are proud to be a part of a larger and well-established family with a rich history. As a member of the Tridel Group (recognized as one of Canada’s largest residential real estate groups crafting over 90,000 homes), DelSuites provides exclusively furnished apartments located within Tridel-constructed buildings. These accommodations are a testament to the innovation and excellence for which Tridel, one of Canada’s most celebrated developers, is known.

CHPA & CERC: Setting the Standards in Corporate Travel

The Corporate Housing Providers Association (CHPA) and Canadian Employee Relocation Council (CERC) are dedicated to upholding and innovating standards within the corporate housing sector. Being a member of CHPA and CERC is a testament to our dedication to offering our guests the very best. It isn’t just about accommodations; it’s about a promise of quality, consistency, and care and being informed of the latest trends and best practices.

The Future Looks Bright

As we celebrate a momentous 25 years, it’s impossible not to feel excited about what the future holds for DelSuites. Imagine more cutting-edge technology making your stay even more convenient, a broader array of services to meet your every need, and a stronger focus on sustainability and community initiatives.

  • Our Vision: To continue to be the most trusted and innovative provider of furnished homes.
  • Our Mission: To always be your family away from home and create memorable experiences for you.

So, whether you’re a new guest discovering us for the first time or a longtime friend who has been part of our journey, we extend our heartfelt thanks. We invite you to continue to make DelSuites your “home away from home” as we strive to create a future that is as bright as our past has been remarkable.

Energy Conservation, Lifestyle talk

Ways to Be Environmentally Friendly in Your Furnished Condo

September 26, 2023
Environmentally Friendly, Condo, Toronto, DelSuites

You might think that any impact you have on the environment is pretty small in the grand scheme of things – so does it really make much of a difference if you try to adjust your habits?

However, if everyone made some small adjustments then a big difference could be made. So, how can you be more environmentally friendly in your furnished condo?

Here Are Some Ways To Be More Environmentally Friendly In Your Furnished Condos

  • Open the blinds in the morning. It will let the sunlight in which will help to heat your furnished apartment in Toronto.
  • Switch to an environmentally friendly cleaner. It will ensure that fewer harsh chemicals are released into the environment and into the air you breathe. You can find one at a natural grocery store or even some of the mainstream ones – just read the labels carefully.
  • If you wash dishes in the sink under running water, you’re wasting a lot of water. Instead, fill up one tub with soapy water (look for eco-friendly bio-degradable soap) and then one with plain water for rinsing.
  • If you use a dishwasher, remember that thanks to the modern technology of most dishwashers it is no longer necessary to pre-rinse the dishes before you put them in. This saves you from wasting water – because sometimes you use more water to pre-rinse than you would for a full wash cycle.
  • When washing your clothes, try to use cold water and only wash during non-peak hours, such as 6-8 a.m. or 8-10 p.m.
  • Only run a full load in the washing machine. You use the same amount of energy to power the washing machine whether you are washing a full load of clothes or a half load.
  • Use a drying rack rather than using a clothes dryer to save energy. If it is sunny outside, put the clothes on a clothesline – they will smell amazing if you let them dry in the fresh air.
  • Did you know that energy escapes from your electronic devices, such as microwaves, televisions, video game consoles, and coffee makers, even when they are off and you are not using them? Use a power strip to plug them in and then flip the switch to the off position when these appliances are not in use.
  • When it comes to food shopping, try to buy from local farmer’s markets as much as possible. It reduces the carbon footprint because the produce doesn’t have to travel as far. Plus, it supports the local farmers and benefits the community.
  • When you get around, try to walk or take public transit rather than drive if possible. Toronto has a great public transit system that will get you anywhere in the city.

These are just a few of the ways that you can be more environmentally friendly when you are living or staying short-term in your furnished condo.  In addition, here are 5 ways to go green. These are small changes that won’t make too much of a difference to your lifestyle but when they add up they can make a big difference to the environment.

Book With DelSuites

Are you looking for a downtown staycation, a furnished short-term rental for your family to stay with you or have a business contract that’s extending your visit to Toronto?

Be sure to follow these great environmentally friendly tips and book an upcoming trip in a furnished short-term rental in Toronto with DelSuites now.

Fitness and Health, Food & Recipes, Lifestyle talk

Healthy Eating Tips for Business Travelers

June 27, 2023

While business travel can be good for your career, it’s not always good for your waistline.

Traveling to another city for a networking opportunity, a business meeting or to attend a conference is a great opportunity. However, sometimes your packed schedule means that you don’t have the time to eat a healthy meal. Grabbing fast food on the go is convenient, but it will also leave you feeling sluggish rather than healthy and energized.

Here are some healthy eating tips for every business traveller to keep in mind.

Be Prepared

When you bring your own snacks with you, you’ll avoid being tempted by the quick and easy yet unhealthy options on the way. For example, bring along some fruit, a granola bar or carrot sticks that you can munch on while waiting for your flight. (Just keep in mind airport security and customs restrictions.)

Also, sometimes morning conferences and meetings run late, leaving you starving and more likely to overeat when you finally get to lunch. Having a banana or a bit of trail mix in your bag can be a lifesaver.

Stay in Self-Catering Accommodation

When you stay in a hotel during a business trip, you’ll have no option other than to eat all of your meals in a restaurant (or order room service). Since restaurant portions are often larger than necessary and include plenty of salt and fat, this is a huge factor in why many business travellers return home with their clothes feeling a little too tight.

When you stay in self-catering accommodation, such as a furnished apartment with a kitchen, you’ll be able to shop at the local supermarket and cook your own healthy meals. That way, you can make fresh and tasty recipes and you’ll know exactly what is going into them.

Have Protein for Breakfast

When you start your day, consider some eggs and wholegrain toast rather than sugary cereals or pastries.

The protein will leave you feeling fuller for longer so that you don’t get that mid-morning sugar crash and subsequent cravings. Plus, there are so many tasty dishes that you can make with eggs – from scrambled to fried to poached and much more.

Choose One Treat – And Really Enjoy It

Part of the fun of travelling somewhere else on a business trip is the chance to try the local cuisine, so you don’t want to completely restrict yourself from enjoying the food. The key is to limit yourself to one or two indulgent treats on your trip and to really focus on the experience of eating them.

So, if you are on a business trip to Vancouver Island you might treat yourself to the finest, gourmet Nanaimo Bar. Or, if you are heading to Montreal you can dig into a huge plate of delicious poutine. Get the very best and sit down and really focus on enjoying it.

These are just a few healthy eating tips. How do you eat healthily when you travel for business? Let us know in the comments below.

Business Travel, Corporate Housing, Lifestyle talk, Relocation

Relocating Employees – Common Mistakes Companies Make

November 1, 2022

If your company is looking to relocate employees for work, don’t make it too difficult for them. Relocating employees is a complex process and there are a lot of details that need to be taken care of. However, it’s essential that it is done right – because it can be quite a stressful experience for your employee if the move isn’t handled well.

Unfortunately, many companies drop the ball on this part of the contract, by not paying enough attention to supporting their employees during the move. Here are some mistakes that you should avoid so that you can help your employees make a seamless transition.

Common Mistakes When Relocating Employees

Not Communicating With The Employee

Do your best to keep the employee informed about everything that will happen during the move, including all of the details about where they will stay, how their belongings will be transported, and what paperwork they need to fill out when they arrive.  This will help to keep the employee in the loop and ensure that they are not confused when they arrive. Don’t assume that they will know what to expect!

Not Having a Clear Budget For Relocating Employees

Relocating an employee can be expensive, but it can be even more costly if you don’t have a clear picture of the costs. Having a budget is important, as it allows you to plan out how much you have to spend on each aspect of the relocation and accurately predict your expenses.

Remember, when making a budget it’s always a good idea to add on an extra 20% at the end, just to account for any surprises that might occur during the relocation process.

Not Helping Employees To Get Set up

There are a lot of things that your employee will need to set up when they arrive in their new location – destination orientations, school finder, settling services, legal services, temporary housing, bank account, phone number, internet, etc. Do your best to support them with this and help them to set it all up.

They will appreciate the help and it will assist them in making the transition go much more smoothly so that they can settle into their new home more easily.

Employee Relocation in Toronto

Finding Unsuitable Accommodation For Employee Relocation

Another mistake that companies make when relocating employees is that they don’t put enough thought into choosing the accommodation where the employee will stay temporarily before they can move into their new home.

As a result, the employee ends up staying somewhere in an unsuitable location and without the necessary amenities.

Our apartments are a great option for employee relocation. These fully furnished apartments offer a spacious living area, bedroom, and kitchen – so that the employee can settle in and feel at home. Plus the convenient location means they won’t be far from work.

RELATED: How To Make Your Relocating Employees Run Smoothly

To find out more about relocating employees to Toronto, contact DelSuites today!